Water Cycle part 1 of a series of poems based on the Elements
I am taking a wonderful poetry writing workshop with Meredith Heller called “Elemental Women.”
We started by writing a poem about water, and I have taken it on as my theme for this week, writing a poem each day with water. Here are my explorations so far:
Ode to Water
Oh incubator of life!
Oh tides of dreams!
You manifest in wondrous waves...
Crashing and swirling
Parting and plunking
Following flows only the moon knows
Oneness of circulation
My body my blood
We pulse and flow in
rhythms of interconnecting currents
Steaming through volcanoes
Slogging through floods
Twisting into hurricanes
Dripping in drizzles
Deepening in still pools
Tumbling down waterfalls
Creeping through glaciers
And holding still
As an iceberg
through millenia
Oh wizard of changes
Teach me the lessons
Of adaptation
School me
In shape shifting
melt my depths
So I too may flow
Free from form
Water Memories
Water flowing
In waves of memory
New Jersey sea shore
Ocean waves
5 year old
Eyes filled with wonder
Bathing suit filled with sand
Popping seaweed
On the beach
Taste of salt
Penetrating my nose
Sand castles washing away
dancing me
Along the edges
In the never ending game
Of chase and be chased
Water, my muse
I dive into you
Over and over
And over again
Melting into your flow
Rocked by your gentle breath
Sucked down by your undertow
Then swimming up
Like a cork
RBG grief
Tears streaming
Out pouring of grief
A salty ocean
Maybe the ocean
Is the repository
For all of the grief that has ever been
And my tears
The reminder that I
Am part of this vast
Buoyancy of salt water
Keeping me
Water Contained
Water balloons
On hot afternoons
Cannonball splash
Pool parties crash
Snowballs hurl
Snowmen twirl
Ice burgs melt
Coastal towns yelp
Water I slurp
And you usurp
A Water riddle
Water Sprites frogs
And crocodiles
Dance with you
Fish dolphins
And whales
Octopi fly
Seamonsters sigh
And I wonder why
You are in my breath
But I can’t breathe in you…
The Drink
Magnitude unknowable
every salty drop
infinite grains of sand
How do I calculate vastness?
How do I quantify The Mystery?
Simply float
feel the pulse
rocked by the rhythm
of tide and wind
heartbeat and breath
Eternal dance
of spray kissing sand
raindrops on earth
waves rolling
and subsiding
A glass of water
brings many stories
This drop from a waterfall
plunging thousands of feet
into the Amazon
later traveling through a NYC sewer
lurching from the lips of a dictator
inhaled by the Bodhisatva
before raining down
on London
Web of water
In vast expanses
then tumultuous
The vapor of my grandmother’s last breath
The mist of a dewy morning
Sweat rolling off
the arms of a farmer
kissing the soil in riverlets
evaporating into hurricanes and tornadoes
soil torn trees twisted
you rarely dance alone
drink deep and soak your cells
in the tempest
of life!