Sacred Anatomy Chi Gung
Ongoing classes PineHeaven Farm (contact Jeannie to confirm and for location)
This chi gung practice takes movements from ancient medical chi gung practices and focuses the understanding of the gathering and movement of energy in a new way. As we practice, I use guided imagery and actual images to bring our presence into awareness of our larger, eternal energetic structure. Sometimes called the aura, but much more than that, this practice offers a way into a new relationship with time and space and the fifth dimensional reality. One participant said “It’s like a medicine journey without having to take any medicine!”
About the practice: In 1990 with the guidance of Cheryl Yonker, I embarked on the practice of Chi Gung. At that time I was also 16 years into my practice of yoga, an important thread in my education. Over the years I have watched my practice of chi gung develop as my understanding of spirit being in a body evolves.
Since 2013 I've been studying with Desda Zuckerman, author of Your Sacred Anatomy. When I dove into her imagery, I felt myself wake up to my larger energetic structure. In addition to inspiring me to become a Core Individuation Practitioner, I was lead to exploring my chi gung practice with a new lense.
I found that doing movements I had previously practiced had a new impact when I changed my focus to "awakening the Sacred Anatomy." I experience a more expanded sense of who I am, a clearer sense of my own boundaries, and a deeper sense of restoration as well as an energetic "clutter clearing.
After 5 years of this practice and several meetings with Desda to refine my work, I am excited to teach it. I will be sharing Desda's images, and we will explore our own ways of relating to them in addition to the guided practice I am developing. As we are evolving in this crazy time, it is my hope that this tool for expanding awareness will help smooth the transition we are making.
Sacred Anatomy Chi Gung and Plant Sensing
Permaculture Convergence Sept. 21st-23rd Solar Living institute Hopland CA
Each morning we will focus in on inhabiting our larger energetic structure- our "Sacred Anatomy."
As we deepen our presence through the understanding of our energy structure, we will expand our capacity to sense the energies of plants.
Communication with plants will happen through a process of self inquiry that will then extend to the plant/ person relationship. We will sense plants individually, then as a group, sharing our discoveries. Bring your curiosity and come ready to dive deep!
In Depth Edge Practice- 5 Steps to Powerful energetic Boundaries
February 8 and 9
What if you knew there was a map that allowed you to access a master-state of awareness state that used to take decades to learn?
The “In Depth Edge Practice” provides that sensory map. Based on the revelations of "Your Sacred Anatomy" by Desda Zuckerman, this experiential weekend gives you the keys to a heightened mastery of your healing practice.
Deepen your sensing abilities ---with more insight and intuitive clarity
Prevent burnout
Distinguish between empathy and merging and allow your intuition to come from a clearer, more expanded place.
Discover distinctions often misunderstood about the subtle energy structure
Strengthen your energetic boundaries and deepen your healing capacity
Better relate to your empathic/psychic/intuitive skills with far less overwhelm
Learn a 5-step daily practice that next-levels and transforms any healing modality
To register email
Undoubtedly you are very talented at what you do and you probably have unusually sensitive intuition and are empathic. But does being of service to others come at a cost to your own health? This State of Being allows you to face any situation, no matter how challenging, with maximum grace and compassion, without absorbing anyone else's suffering. This class clears up fundamental misunderstandings about the most effective way to use your subtle anatomy and your acute sensitivity.
This isn't for everyone. If you feel like despite all of your success, there's still something missing, then the awareness practice you learn this weekend could be the missing piece you've been looking for. If you're ready to upgrade your life and Healing Art exponentially, then come to this weekend experience!
We need two days to help you ground yourself in your understanding of the edge of your energy structure. The first day you are immersed in the basic anatomy, which gives your awareness of the context for practicing a simple, elegant 5 step process. We go step by step until, by the end of the day, you've popped into a whole new way of perceiving yourself and the world.
You will have access to an infinite source of energy from within your own Energy Body. You will experience a paradigm shift that will help you stabilize yourself in our present day world of dizzying change. Once you get the process down by practicing 5 minutes a day, you can re-enter this state in minutes anytime you need to.
The second day is where you refine your awareness while you practice your craft. You receive individualized feedback to help you hone your ability to maintain your awareness of the edge of your energy structure while you work.
You also get help "unlearning" habits of relating to your clients that merge your energy with them and drain your vitality. Best of all, you get feedback from your practice partner about the qualitative improvement of their experience of your work when you are fully inhabiting your energetic Edge!